Looking back over the last few years, it has come to my attention that everyone either wants to be crazy or just thinks they are crazy. This is is quit disturbing to me, I mean when did being crazy become the in thing to be? It's almost become a fashion statement.
As a person that has been dealing with mental issues since I was young, it has entered into my thoughts more than once, if most of these people really did meet someone crazy, they would probably be scared or just disgusted. It's has just become a major excuse for doing stupid things. It's almost as bad as being drunk!! When did being stupid become acceptable(maybe that will be my next title.).
The thing that I find funny is, people think being crazy is a joke, that is until I come into the picture, then they are like hes not crazy hes just messed (F-ed) up. So I guess I'm bad crazy and other people are good crazy. Or maybe it's just all in my head(HAHAHA). Crazy doesn't mean mentally ill anymore. Crazy means funny, spontaneous, and a "wacky" person.
So lets all go out and strive to be "Crazy", but be careful because if people don't agree with "your craziness" they might just start thinking YOU ARE MESSED UP!!!!
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